Web Analytics

For those whose business has been presented on the Internet for more than a year, it is no secret that one of the main advantages of online advertising, especially contextual advertising (Yandex.Direct, Google Adwords), is its measurability.
Any user leaves “traces” when visiting your site: you can see from which page he started acquaintance with the site, where he went, to which links, buttons and banners he clicked, whether he put the goods in the basket, filled out forms, downloaded the price list.
Modern web analytics tools (Yandex.Metrica, Google.Analytics) accumulate data on what is happening on the site and provide a flexible reporting interface for further interpretation.

Why is it necessary

Web analytics tools help answer questions

  • Profitability
    Which pages of the site bring the maximum amount of money, and on which they are lost?
  • Conversion
    How is traffic to a website that has spent time and money attracting to the end customer?
  • Behavior
    What is the user's path to the target action that you expect from him? Confused, in the process of which users are lost, or fast, logical and understandable?
  • User losses
    From which page do users leave the site and why is this happening?
  • Satisfaction
    Can the user find what he needs or leaves the site unsatisfied?
  • Expectations
    Does the site meet the expectations of users who come to it, or do not the right people come to you - those who are looking for exactly what you offer?
Web Analytics

Efficiency Mark

Laboratory information system LIMS by WRClab is a software package, designed to organize the activities of an environmental laboratory, obtain reliable information based on test results and optimize the information obtained in order to use it for making management decisions. LIMS is an integral SAAS service that solves the full range of laboratory tasks: starting from commercial processes to the conducting and monitoring tests, certifications and research.
Laravel, Vue.js

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Site Audit

The register of auditing organizations and individuals:

  • Division of accesses rights
  • Fast update
  • Edit within personal account
  • Interaction with an external MS SQL database


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Web Analytics
Web Analytics

Analytics Setup

In order to be able to install and configure the counters, you need to understand not only the code of the site’s pages, but also know the intricacies of each web analytic tool, and have experience installing the counters on different types of sites, during which complex issues and nuances that are not spelled out in help for which you need to look for solutions or even write code.
If you or your specialist does not have such experience, we offer you to help install Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics on the site and set up the counter.

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E-Commerce Analytics

If you have an online store, that is, your business is working for an audience that has the maximum demand and is ready for purchase, you probably know more than other businesses how important conversion rates are for your site.
Regardless of whether you have an offline storefront, the main revenue of the online store is made by online shoppers.
Understanding what is happening with your store is one of the most important tasks.

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Web Analytics

One more thing...

We invite students and young web developers to join our team. The knowledge of html, js and modern libraries are required. To join us – is a great chance to gain teamwork skills and to be involved in interesting projects. For trainee jobs or in case of other questions, write to job@wrclab.com