Effectiveness of an Advertising Campaign

Effectiveness of an Advertising Campaign

Do you already earn money with the help of contextual advertising (Yandex.Direct, Google Adwords)?
But it also happens that the site is there, contextual advertising is set up and running, customers are calling. Everything seems to be stable and good.

However, like any business, your competitors, environment, people, their interests and needs - all this does not stand in place. So once created and customized advertising campaign requires periodic review, optimization, adjustment.

Why is this needed?

  • Analysis of the objectives of the advertising campaign and KPI. Sometimes the reason for the lack of effectiveness of the advertising campaign is that the KPI of the site requires a review, as it is not defined exactly, or such a review requires a change in the advertising campaign strategy.
  • When analyzing the quality of traffic attracted by advertising, we determine the main characteristics of a potentially interesting audience for a site, compare it with data on the sources and distribution of traffic to these sources coming to your site.
  • Conversion analysis for given goals gives an understanding of whether there is a potential for increasing the advertising campaign’s conversions for current goals, and how high or unreasonably low conversion rates are.

For those who use contextual advertising as a channel to attract different audiences, and would like to understand the effectiveness of the advertising campaign in each channel and in the aggregate, we conduct a general analysis of several advertising campaigns.

  • For sites with the ability to bind KPI to the final customer, we can analyze the conversion of traffic to customers. This may require data from web analytics tools and sales reports across multiple channels.
  • When analyzing an advertising campaign for an online store, we can measure the cost of conversions, as well as calculate the profitability of advertising investments.
  • We analyze the dynamics of the advertising campaign for the reporting period through the main performance indicators in dynamics by week, month, seasonally adjusted.